Louis Schoeman [Cape CrossFit Southern Suburbs]
CF-L3 | CoachLouis has been in and around the CrossFit Community of Pretoria and Centurion mainly for the past seven years, until his recent move to Cape Town and the great opportunity to become part of the long standing Cape CrossFit community. He loves being able to expand his coaching skills and experience even further at CCF and under the solid guidance of Coach Chris Oman.
In August 2022 he undertook and passed the L3 Trainers exam. He has also done the online (Masters Course) Training The Aging Athlete as an additional course.
In recent years Louis has shifted his main focus from a moderate and local competitive athlete, towards serving the community as a coach and playing a role that can change the lives of people from all sorts and backgrounds. He loves the "Life Promoting" aspect in every sense that CrossFit has to offer.
Super Hero Alias: Ant Man
Favorite CrossFit movements: Power Cleans and Squat Snatches (gymnastics is not far off)
Worst CrossFit Movement: Heavy Deadlifts and Strict Hand Stand Push Ups
CrossFit Qualifications:
- Certified CrossFit Level 3 Trainer (CF-L3)
- Coaching the Aging Athlete Certificate
- Judges Course 2023 Certificate