HYROX by Peak

Hyrox is a relatively new sport that is currently turning into a global phenomena with "HYROX Races" in many major cities all across the world. The Races are set up in a standardized way with 8 Rounds of 1000m Run + 1 Functional Movement Station after each Run, (see further down), but our focus with these classes is not only to prepare athletes for those races, but also to offer it as a Fun & efficient training form for anyone looking for a longer endurance based Cardio-workout that can be done on a daily basis, or a couple of times per week based on your goals.


We are using our broad experience when it comes to programming and Coaching Functional Movements in combination with our expertise in Strength & Conditioning to design a HYROX-program that will be hard to beat when it comes to increasing your Fitness, and possibly capacity for the HYROX-Races if that is what you are looking for.

However, we don't only train the 8 movements that are part of the HYROX-Races, but rather also use other movements that both can help you get stronger for said HYROX-movements, whilst ensuring that you are getting a FUN and well rounded training experience that will keep you fit not only in the gym, or for the Race, but also in your real life!

We also mix in some of our Super Human Functionality Project-principles (read HERE*) to ensure that this training program is tailored to the individual and focusing on minimising imbalances in your strength &  fitness - which in the long run will allow you to stay injury free, and perform better.




There are multiple divisions to chose from where you can either do the Race as an invidividual, with a partner, or even in a Team of 4 athletes. There are different loads and rep ranges for the various divisions, the below is an example of the WOMEN's OPEN DIVISION:

Click the image to see more race information.