CrossFit was such an amazing experience for our entire family.
WITH Anisa MahmoudiCrossFit was such an amazing experience for both Vahid and I and it all boiled down to our coaches. CCF has a great community vibe which was really encouraging, though sometimes scary, I particularly liked the way our family as a whole was welcomed to classes and events.
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I have changed my whole body shape.
WITH Luke KuttschereuterIn mid-January I was so unfit and in such poor shape (one of my main goals I wanted to work on), I could not finish a baseline without almost passing out... Now, 6 months down the line, I have changed my whole body shape. I feel like a different person and my body has never been in such condition and shape before in my life.
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58 years young and 6 years in to CrossFit
WITH Louise FarrelThe industrial feel of the box drew me in together with the unique approach to fitness... The coaches and the community at Cape CrossFit keep me coming back for more and hopefully when I reach my next decade I will continue to achieve PBs and enjoy the camaraderie of my fellow CrossFitters and coaches.
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CrossFit has been a life changing experience for me.
WITH JP SeiniCrossFit has been a life changing experience for me - from the way I view my training and nutrition, my understanding of my body and the way it moves, as well as the ability to push myself physically and mentally beyond what I thought I was capable of.
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Jenni Middleton | Cape CrossFit Southern Suburbs
WITH Jenni Middleton | TestimonialSo, in sum, I do CrossFit because I’m not yet dead.
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