I have changed my whole body shape.
I just wanted to say a big thank you to you. I recently had a look back on my CrossFit journey because I have now crossed the 6 month mark!
In mid-January I was so unfit and in such poor shape (one of my main goals I wanted to work on), I could not finish a baseline without almost passing out, I could not do a pull-up, could not do an overhead squat or a snatch, and was not finishing any of the WODs in the time caps...
Now, 6 months down the line, I have changed my whole body shape (have a look at the photos of before and after), and you both know I have made massive progress in so many areas, and have recently started pushing to RX several WODs! There is still a lot in the pipeline (HSPUs!!!) but I am so determined I will get there. I feel like a different person and my body has never been in such condition and shape before in my life, and it has literally taken my sweat and blood, but none of it would have been possible at all without you guys and the rest of the CCF team! I feel like I have started to fit in at the box and coming to work out is the highlight of my day in so many ways and it would not have been the same if I had any other coaches in the world. (Tash, you specifically need such a big shout out I can't even put it into words! You have trained me in more than 90% of my classes and I absolutely love your classes!!).
So I just wanted to give you guys such a big thank you once again. I cannot wait for what is to come in the future!